Fitness And Kids - FIT-4-Kids, An Exercise Program Just For Kids

Fitness And Kids - FIT-4-Kids, An Exercise Program Just For Kids. Introducing kids to a healthy lifestyle can be a challenge in our fast food video game laden society. Thirty minutes once a week in P.E. class isn t nearly enough to maintain the cardiovascular system much less keep an overall healthy bodyweight. One thing that P.E. class has right though is that classes are fun and they allow kids to socialize. The Fit Express FIT 4 Kids exercise program along with their specially made kids exercise equipment gives kids what they need and want.

So little Johnny s not thrilled about running 30 minutes on a treadmill It s already hard enough for adults who understand the importance to exercise on a consistent basis. I ve trained children I can tell you from experience they get distracted and bored even easier. Introducing health and wellness at an early age is important and it s up to us to give them a fun option.

There many ways kids can get physical exercise from after school sports jungle gyms parks recreational centers kids gyms. However most of these don t consist of a strict program that doesn t feel strict that makes them do at least 30 minutes of continuous cardiovascular exercise and also includes functional strength training using complete range of motion for all of the body s muscle groups. The FIT 4 Kids exercise program contains the key aspects of fitness and provides cardio and strength exercises in a safe fun and sociable way.

Fluid Interval Training i.e. FIT works very similar to circuit training. Exercise machines each working different muscle groups are placed in a circle or other arrangement. Every 2 minutes a central timer goes off and everybody switches to a different machine that they do continuously for the next 2 minutes. This allows multiple muscle groups to be worked simultaneously the heart rate stays up and it doesn t get boring. Two minute timer s just a suggestion custom workouts can be easily created.

Worried about kids exercise equipment being dangerous Don t be FIT is extremely safe What do sports rec. centers parks and jungle gyms all have in common They all allow kids to do uncontrolled movements on their own with minimal supervision. Running around kicking jumping swinging there s lots of potential for muscle and joint injuries Kid s don t have the motor coordination to perform the unassisted exercises like squats pull ups etc. with proper form and technique. Even when they could do these exercises it s not fun for them and they don t have the patience or enjoy repetition sets. FIT is perfect it s continuous and it doesn t require concentration or slow/boring movements.

Unlike most gym equipment you re familiar with FIT 4 Kids doesn t use bulky machines with weight stacks it uses Fit Express kids hydraulic fitness equipment. By pushing or pulling oil through hydraulic cylinders to create resistance it provides an extremely smooth fluid movement that is much safer and kid friendly. Never worry about dropping a weight stack pushing or pulling too far or hurting joints. You can pause at any point during the movement And unlike most gym equipment with hard to understand seating levers and controls the FIT4Kids machines are smaller for children 4 to 5 9 with fixed seating and control arms. An easy to reach lever that controls if the exercise is harder more strength or easier/faster more cardio is the only option. So they can just get on and go

Call your local kids gyms recreational centers schools and ask them if they have a FIT 4 Kids circuit Visit for more information.

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  1. I think it's a good exercise to start training kids to stay fit and healthy. It does not only help them out with their physical appearance but also enhance their mental health.


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