
Showing posts from September, 2024

How to Raise a Child with Positive Discipline

Ever feel like you’re constantly yelling, bribing, or even begging your kids to listen?   You’re not alone.   Parenting isn’t easy, and if you’re like most parents, you're probably wondering, “How do I raise a child with positive discipline without losing my mind?” Let me be real with you: positive discipline is about teaching, not punishing.   It’s about guiding your kids to make the right choices on their own, rather than forcing them with threats or rewards.   Think of it as coaching, not controlling. What is Positive Discipline? Positive discipline  focuses on teaching kids responsibility , problem-solving, and respect without being harsh.   Developed by Dr. Jane Nelsen , this method believes kids need both kindness and firmness to thrive.   You’re not letting your child walk all over you, and you’re not ruling with an iron fist.   In a way, it’s the sweet spot between being too lenient and too strict. Here’s the kicker : Positive discipline is about mutual respect.   You respe