
Showing posts from January, 2023

Mom, first child choose boy or girl?

When expecting a first child, many parents-to-be often find themselves wondering whether they will be blessed with a baby boy or a baby girl. While some parents may have a preference, others may simply be excited for the surprise of not knowing the gender until the baby is born.  When it comes to choosing the gender of a child, some parents may turn to medical procedures such as in vitro fertilization (IVF) or preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) to increase the chances of having a baby of a certain gender. However, these procedures can be costly and may not always be successful.  For those who choose to let nature take its course, the gender of a child is determined by the sperm that fertilizes the egg. Sperm carrying the X chromosome will result in a girl, while sperm carrying the Y chromosome will result in a boy. Factors such as the timing of intercourse, the mother's age, and even the position during intercourse are believed to affect the chances of having a baby of a certa

Are You Have Parenting Skills

Positive parenting skills are the foundation of a healthy and happy family dynamic. These skills involve using encouraging and supportive methods to raise children, rather than relying on punishment or negative reinforcement. By fostering a positive environment, parents can help their children develop self-esteem, self-confidence, and a sense of responsibility. One of the key elements of positive parenting is effective communication. This includes actively listening to your children, being open and honest with them, and expressing your thoughts and feelings in a calm and respectful manner. It's also important to set clear boundaries and rules, while also providing explanations and reasons behind them. This helps children understand the logic behind them and they are more likely to follow them. Another important aspect of positive parenting is providing children with positive reinforcement and rewards for good behavior. This can include verbal praise, hugs and kisses, or small token